Nutmeg – The Nice Spice
Nutmeg as a spice, is an oval-shaped light brown seed. The spice is extracted from a tropical evergreen tree. The spice is originally from Indonesia, but it grows in tropical climates all over the world.
The Jaiphal tree produces two spices (nutmace, the seed’s outer covering). and one fruit. It takes 8 years to begin bearing fruits and can bear for up to 60 years. In fact, spice was extremely popular in the 18th century. People used to carry the entire spice in their pockets, along with small silver graters, to consume it whenever needed.
There are many interesting things about that spice that you may not know. Read on to know!
Interesting Facts About Nutmeg
- The spice harvest season runs from June to August. This is the season for heavy monsoons in areas where it is grown. Harvesting and processing the spice is a labor-intensive process, and it must be protected from moisture at all times !
- The spice is super rich in antioxidants and hence has multiple health benefits. It is good for liver detoxification, heart health, blood pressure, oral health and protects against signs of aging.
- The spice is used in cuisines around the world. In India it is used in both sweet and savoury dishes. American savour the spice in their pumpkin pie.It is generally used in soups, stews, custards etc.
- The spice can be stored indefinitely as a whole spice in airtight containers. The ground spice, however, loses its flavour after some time. So, always buy the whole spice.
- The state of Connecticut is informally known as the Nutmeg State as the spice was in huge demand and some traders used to sell fake nutmeg carved out of wood.
- The spice is alleged to be one of the secret ingredients in Coca-Cola!
- The spice when consumed in large quantities has hallucinogenic properties. Due to this it is used by some people for smoking. But, it has many harmful effects when consumed in this form!
- In the 17th Century, the spice was considered as one of the premium luxuries. It’s possession was linked to financial security and status.
- The spice was also used as protection against the nasty bubonic plague!
- In Zanzibar, the spice is popular as Viagra for females. There it is a known tip for women to sprinkle freshly grated Jaiphal over their food on the wedding night!
The history of this spice is as interesting as its taste. It was also speculated that it was a cause of spice wars as countries around the world were keen to get the fertile seeds and start its plantation! ORDER NOW